Associated Legendre P and Q functions

>>>>> "Barton" == Barton Willis <willisb at> writes:

    Barton> -----Raymond Toy wrote: -----
    >> From looking at the documentation for orthopoly,
    >> it's unclear what assoc_legendre_p(a,b,z) and
    >> assoc_legendre_q(a,b,z) are.  Is a the
    >> degree and b the order?

    Barton> For integers n, with n > -1, it should be the case that

    Barton>    assoc_legendre_p(n,0,x) - legendre_p(n,x),
    Barton>    assoc_legendre_q(n,0,x) - legendre_q(n,x).

Is that supposed to be an equal sign?  Is that conversion supposed to
happen automatically?  If so, it doesn't for me.

    >> I think the documentation should at least say so.

    Barton> I'll try to improve it.

I can help with that.  I also noticed the reference to the equation
numbers for A&S don't seem to match the equation numbers in, but I'll check
more closely.
