compiling Maxima code with arrays

>>>>> "Volker" == van Nek <van.Nek at> writes:

    Volker> Am 14 Feb 2006 um 12:22 hat Raymond Toy geschrieben:
    >> fabrizio.caruso at wrote:
    >> > Hi!
    >> This bug is caused by essentially the same bug that makes your previous 
    >> compiled array reference example fail.

    Volker> it was me the last time, not Fabrizio. And you answered the following. 

Oops.  Sorry!


    Volker> I did THIS change and everything is fine. Now your fix is
    Volker> a little bit different, especially for a different
    Volker> function. ???

Actually, yes.  Both functions need fixes.  Yours was accessing an
element.  Fabrizio's was setting an element.

I'm going to check in these (and other related) changes soon, once I
give them some tests.
