log10, was: bug report, or am I doing something wrong?
Subject: log10, was: bug report, or am I doing something wrong?
From: Frank Palazzolo
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 11:21:51 -0500
>log10 is a function which appears in problems in some nontrivial domains
>(high school math, engineering, maybe others).
>> So you would find it acceptable that log10(x)/log(x) not simplify?
I'm just curious if there are other functions that exist in Maxima that fall
into this same category - i.e. "Function implemented enough for
calculational work but symbolically separate from most of the rest of the
machinery of Maxima". (log10(x)/log(x) or integral(log10(x),x) does
At mimimum, I would definitely like to be warned in the documentation to
"stay away from these functions for symbolic work."