log10, was: bug report, or am I doing something wrong?
Subject: log10, was: bug report, or am I doing something wrong?
From: Raymond Toy
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 11:41:13 -0500
>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Gustafson <petegus at spaceshipone.engin.umich.edu> writes:
Peter> We want young people to find maxima useful for their
Peter> problems, so that they learn it early and move towards open
Peter> source tools.
I never thought one of maxima's goals was to encourage open source
Peter> This addition would not be detrimental to the
Peter> "professional" users, since we would never use it on our
Peter> "real" problems. (Although I think there is some bias
Peter> baked into those terms.)
On the contrary, I do find it detrimental. There are only a few
people with the desire and/or knowledge to work on maxima. Taking
time to implement this is time taken from other work. Just look at
the list of bugs.
However, if the person requesting such features were to learn to make
the changes himself, that would be beneficial to everyone.