log10, was: bug report, or am I doing something wrong?
Subject: log10, was: bug report, or am I doing something wrong?
From: Raymond Toy
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 14:05:04 -0500
>>>>> "Vadim" == Vadim V Zhytnikov <vvzhy at mail.ru> writes:
Vadim> Raymond Toy writes:
>>>>>>> "Frank" == Frank Palazzolo <frank.palazzolo at mcm1.com> writes:
Frank> I'm just curious if there are other functions that exist
>> in Maxima that fall
Frank> into this same category - i.e. "Function implemented enough for
Frank> calculational work but symbolically separate from most of the rest of the
Frank> machinery of Maxima". (log10(x)/log(x) or integral(log10(x),x) does
Frank> nothing.)
>> There are probably others, but here are a few of them that I know
>> about:
>> %he[n] (z) Hermite polynomial (Nota bene:
>> `he', not `h'. See A&S 22.5.18)
>> hstruve[n] (z) Struve H function
>> lstruve[n] (z) Struve L function
>> %f[p,q] ([], [], expr) Generalized Hypergeometric function
>> gammagreek(a,z) Incomplete gamma function
>> gammaincomplete(a,z) Tail of incomplete gamma function
>> slommel
>> %m[u,k] (z) Whittaker function, 1st kind
>> %w[u,k] (z) Whittaker function, 2nd kind
>> erfc (z) Complement of the erf function
>> ei (z) Exponential integral (?)
>> kelliptic (z) Complete elliptic integral of the first kind (K)
>> %d [n] (z) Parabolic cylinder function
Vadim> Off-topic. I strongly dislike erratic the way these
Vadim> function are named. Probably specint and corresponding
Vadim> documentation needs some revision.
Yes, I have plans for that, but since maxima doesn't know anything
about these functions, I haven't done anything about them. specint
used to use %j[n](x), %y[n](x), and so on, but we've changed these to
bessel_j(n,x) and bessel_y(n,x). specint also produces
assoc_legendre_p instead of %p, but I think it still wants %p on
These will get fixed someday.