branch cut fixup for atanh(bfloat(x))

>>>>> "Stavros" == Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at> writes:

    Stavros> 1.  (*) text/plain          ( ) text/html           
    >> Maxima's bigfloats don't support signed-zeroes.

    Stavros> 1) They could be implemented.

    Stavros> 2) They probably don't *need* to be implemented, because Maxima bigfloats
    Stavros> never underflow (try 2.0b0^-(2^1000) for example).

Yes, but it's useful for things like log(1-z) where z = 2+0*%i.  If
you don't have signed zeroes, you'll get a different branch cut.

I think that's something maxima needs to decide.  Should signed zeroes
be supported?
