Maxima (5.9.3 release candidate 1)

Robert Dodier writes:
> About rtest_trig, there have been a couple of changes
> to src/trigi.lisp after RC1. I believe the most recent revision
> on the 5.9.3 branch might work with CMUCL.
> Can you please make this test:
> cvs update -r RELEASE-5_9_3-BRANCH
> then rebuild with CMUCL and see if rtest_trig is OK?
> If rtest_trig is OK, then I will tag the current 5.9.3 branch
> as RC2 and we can begin packaging RC2.

It is OK with cmucl 19c.  Please go ahead with RC2.

      Vadim V. Zhytnikov

       <vvzhy at>
      <vvzhy at>