Hi Camm san,
Thanks for the heads up for GCL 2.6.8pre. Here is a what I did and
what happend.
1) 2.6.8pre with ./configure --enable-ansi compiled fine on Mac OS X
10.4.5 on iMac G5.
2) On compiling maxima source, I encountered a load error
for the src/numerical/f2cl-lib.o,
Loading f2cl-lib.o
Error in EVAL [or a callee]: Undefined symbol "_cos"
3) Actually, here is a very simple reproduction of this error:
GCL (GNU Common Lisp) 2.6.8 ANSI Mar 9 2006 23:47:15
Source License: LGPL(gcl,gmp), GPL(unexec,bfd)
Binary License: GPL due to GPL'ed components: (READLINE BFD UNEXEC)
Modifications of this banner must retain notice of a compatible license
Dedicated to the memory of W. Schelter
Use (help) to get some basic information on how to use GCL.
Temporary directory for compiler files set to /tmp/
>(defun dcos (x) (declare (type double-float x)) (cos x))
>(dcos 3.14)
>(compile 'dcos)
Compiling /tmp/gazonk_311_0.lsp.
End of Pass 1.
End of Pass 2.
OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=0 (No runtime error checking), Space=0, Speed=3
Finished compiling /tmp/gazonk_311_0.lsp.
Loading /tmp/gazonk_311_0.o
Error in LET [or a callee]: Undefined symbol "_cos"
Fast links are on: do (use-fast-links nil) for debugging
Broken at CONDITIONS::CLCS-LOAD. Type :H for Help.
1 (Continue) Retry loading file #p"/tmp/gazonk_311_0.o".
2 (Abort) Return to top level.
4) If I remove (declare (type double-float x)) from the dcos
definition and
compile it again, everything works fine.
Yasuaki Honda
On 2006/03/08, at 8:23 PM, Camm Maguire wrote:
> Greetings! I would be most appreciative if you could try 2.6.8pre on
> macosx:
> export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous at cvs.sv.gnu.org:/sources/gcl
> cvs -z9 -q co -d gcl-2.6.8pre -r Version_2_6_8pre gcl
> It is basically 2.6.7 with a few build fixes for fedora and macosx.
> Take care,
> Yasuaki Honda <yhonda at mac.com> writes:
>> Hi Greg san,
>> Let me add one success to your list:
>> maxima rc2 + cmucl 19c -> all tests passed
>> In either openmcl 1.0 or 0.14.3, you need to replace
>> defsystem.lisp to
>> version 3.6i, which you can obtain from CVS tree of clocc.
>> Then,
>> maixma rc2 + openmcl 0.14.3 -> build success, #70 in rtest3 and trig
>> tests failed.
>> maxima rc2 + openmcl 1.0 -> build failed, due to #, macro appeared in
>> transq.lisp.
>> As for GCL on Mac OS X, my understanding is the same as yours.
>> Yasuaki Honda
>> On 2006/03/07, at 0:41 AM, Gregory Wright wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On my powerbook G4 1.5 GHz system (OS X 10.4.5), was
>>> tested
>>> with the following results:
>>> maxima rc2 + clisp 2.38 -> all tests passed
>>> maxima rc2 + sbcl 0.9.10 -> all tests passed
>>> maxima rc2 + openmcl 1.0 -> build failure
>>> The build failure under openmcl occurs quite quickly. It seems as
>>> if openmcl 1.0
>>> is has some significant difference from the 0.14.3 version that
>>> Honda-san tested
>>> with. A log of the openmcl build is attached.
>>> I did not test under gcl since there have been persistent issues
>>> with getting gcl
>>> to work reliably under OS X that AFAIK, have not been resolved yet.
>>> Best Wishes,
>>> Greg
>>> <test.log>
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> --
> Camm Maguire camm at enhanced.com
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