asin(sqrt(3)/2) and friends

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at> writes:

    >> Should asin (and acos and atan) recognize more special values of the
    >> arg?  I think asin/acos should at least recognize sqrt(3)/2, and atan
    >> should recognize 1/sqrt(3) and sqrt(3).

    Robert> OK by me. I am all for recognizing special values.

I started to implement this, but there seems to be a small issue.

asin(1/2) -> %pi/6.  Good
asin(-1/2) -> -asin(1/2).  Not so good.  I would have expected -%pi/6.

acos(1/2) -> %pi/3.  Good
acos(-1/2) -> 2*%pi/3.  Good.

I think apply-reflection-simp and odd-function-reflect and
even-function-reflect is missing something.
