Testsuite errors in CVS maxima

>>>>> "David" == David Billinghurst <Billinghurst> writes:

    David> I am seeing some testsuite errors with CVS maxima with
    David> gcl-2.6.7 / Redhat EL3 / x86_64.

    David> An error break in rtest6 and rexamples is due to

    David> (%i1) integrate(x^(5/4)/(x+1)^(5/2),x,0,inf);
    David> Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
    David>  Error in PROGN [or a callee]: Error in do-arg-count-error: 
    David>                              D
    David>                              AL
    David>                              C) 4 4

Hmm.  I don't have this problem with cmucl or clisp.  If you trace
batapp, bata0, and bxm, you can see the problem.  bxm returns the list
(((rat simp) -5 2) 1 1 1), which should be assigned to c.  bata0 is
supposed to return 2 values:  ((RAT SIMP) 5 4) and (((RAT SIMP) -5 2)
1 1 1), but it actually only returns the first.

I don't understand why gcl only returns 1 value.

    David> (%i2) integrate (x^k, x, 0, 1);
    David> Is  k  positive, negative, or zero?

This is the same problem.  bata0 only returned the first value and not
the second.

Are these the only problems you see?  I just ran the testsuite with
gcl 2.6.7 on Solaris, and I see quite a few more problems.
