possibility of making wxMaxima the default GUI (instead of Xmaxima)

> hello,
> i wonder if anyone is in favor of making wxMaxima 
> the default GUI instead of Xmaxima.
When I use a GUI (including class demonstrations), I use wxMaxima.  I've 
never messed with the Xmaxima HTML document feature that Miguel mentioned, 

so maybe I don't know what I'm missing.  Generally, my students 
favor wxMaxima over Xmaxima, but maybe that's only because I use wxMaxima
in class.

At least on my elderly office machine, wxMaxima 0.62 does struggle 
(100% CPU usage) with run_testsuite(true,true), but it does finish. 

In short, it would be OK with me to make wxMaxima the default.  I'm
assuming we'd keep Xmaxima in the distribution for as long as it works.


By the way, wxMaxima version 0.62 does report some error messages 
about the  generated XML when it runs run_testsuite(true,true); maybe 
0.64 fixes these bugs?