possibility of making wxMaxima the default GUI (instead of Xmaxima)
Subject: possibility of making wxMaxima the default GUI (instead of Xmaxima)
From: C Y
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 14:47:32 -0800 (PST)
--- Andrej Vodopivec <andrej.vodopivec at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello Andrej,
> > I would definitely prefer text output. This is the easiest and most
> flexible to edit and format.
> > Isn't this possible?
> > All the best
> > Volker
> Well I don't want to have another formating algorithm just for
> copying
> in ascii 2d. I guess I could add an option to display ascii 2d as is
> produced by maxima and then you could copy that.
> Andrej
I'm not really all that familiar with this on Windows, but maybe the
most intuitive way to go would be to have a "copy as text" option for
expressions which would just dump the 2-D ascii version of a given
expression to the clipboard. That leaves the display in "graphical"
mode and allows the more limited cut/paste of text when required.
Dunno if that's simple or not though - I seem to recall dimly that
tex/ascii formatting didn't respect local variables inside (say) an
ev() environment, so it might not be so simple to actually implement.
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