probable bug in solve

Hello all,
I try to sole this equation but Maxima function "solve" return only complex roots. 
the session is :
(%i1) x^3-8*x^2-197*x-502=0;
                       3         2
(%o1)          x  - 8 x  - 197 x - 502 = 0
(%i2) solve(%,x);
(%o2)  /* Maxima give me 3 roots. each one contaning the imaginary number %i */
but if I do :
(%i3) allroots(%o1);
(%o3)       [x = - 3.0829302172279736, x = - 8.3703979976656715, x = 19.453328214893645]
then the equation have a real roots. (and only real roots)
is it a bug in solve.
if true I can submit it in bug tracking system on SourceForge.