Plotting with PSTricks

Hi Zajcev san,

Thanks for using imaxima.el. I am maintaining it for a while.

So, your idea is to generate plotted graphics and render it
inlined within Emacs buffer. Sounds really great!!

I am sure there is no such thing today. Here are my 2 cents:
1) You could start with imaxima-imath-0.94 as the base for your project.
2) The function imaxima-make-image in imaxima.el could be modified
to generate a graph image when passed a command of plot2d() or plot3d().
Then chances that are you don't have to modify other part of imaxima.

Happy hacking!

Yasuaki Honda

On 2006/04/16, at 5:09 AM, Zajcev Evgeny wrote:

> Hello, I'm new to Maxima and I'm very excited it.  I use `imaxima' to
> interact with Maxima.  One thing that annoys me a little is that
> Maxima uses external gnuplot for drawing.  So my question is it
> possible to make Maxima use PSTricks's pst-plot and pst-3dplot plugins
> to performe plotting, so imaxima will be able to generate inlined
> plots.  If there no such thing, could you please provide
> implementation hints for me to try to implement it ..
> Thanks for great software!
> -- 
> lg
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