Access to all gnuplot options through maxima

The relevant examples can be found at

You can get the idea from the following example as well (I drope the 
cumbersome functions definitions):

  f[2](1,o)+3./2.*fj[8](1,o),f[2](0,o)+3./2.*fj[8](0,o) ],[o,0.1,10],
  [gnuplot_preamble, "set key top; set log x;set key spacing 1.6;
  set term postscript enhanced monochrome dashed dashlength 2 linewidth 2;
  set style line 1 lt 1 lw 2;
  set style line 2 lt 2 lw 2;
  set style line 3 lt 3 lw 2;
  set style line 4 lt 6 lw 2;
  set output '';
  set xlabel 'FIELD STRENGTH,  [{/Symbol=18 b}]';
  set ylabel '({/Symbol=20 W}+{/T=20 V}){/ZapfDingbats=20 6}{/T=20 J} - 
  [gnuplot_curve_styles, ["w l ls 1","w l ls 2","w l ls 3","w l ls 4"]],
["ti'{/Symbol=18 j}@^{(wJ)}_1 &{ju} |_{{/Symbol=16 e}=1}'",
"ti'{/Symbol=18 j}@^{(wJ)}_1  &{ju} |_{{/Symbol=16 e}=0}'",
"ti'{/Symbol=18 j}@^{(wJ)}_2  &{ju} |_{{/Symbol=16 e}=1}'",
"ti'{/Symbol=18 j}@^{(wJ)}_2  &{ju} |_{{/Symbol=16 e}=0}'"]]);

On Monday 17 April 2006 18:23, Nicolas Pettiaux wrote:
> In wxmaxima, the plo2d and plot3d menus do not contains all the
> options that are available in gnuplot.
> I am wondering if it is possible to access to all gnuplot option
> through maxima, and if yes, which I suppose, how.
> Thanks,
> Nicolas
> --
> Nicolas Pettiaux - email: nicolas.pettiaux at
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