Summer of Code

2006/4/18, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at>:

With respect to GSOC2006, there is a deadline (May 1st 2006) by with,
as described in, interested
organization should let google know by simply sending a mail of
interest to soc2006support at it is even mentioned that
interested organization should let them know as soon as possible.

Maybe the "maxima developper organization" (in the person of Robert
Dodier for example) could already send such a little mail of interest
to google ?

We could still work later, putting the ideas in the wiki and ranking
them discussing in this mailing list, what should / could be
developped within GSOC2006.

My dream would be that as fast as possible, Maxima is a multilingual
general purpose mathematical system, at least on par with Mathematica
and Maple. Anything that helps going in that direction is good.

Hope this help

Nicolas Pettiaux - email: nicolas.pettiaux at