user interfaces in general

El Jueves, 20 de Abril de 2006 07:40, Ron Crummett escribi?:
> Agreed.  Well, I'm willing to help, but as I have said before I am not
> really sure where to start helping.  What (aside from the pretty
> exterior) are the most pressing needs?
As far computing features, i would say the symbolic integration in maxima 
needs a lot of improving. Right now, even rational functions are not 
integrated. And if you want to convince someone used to Mathematica and/or 
Maple to give a try to maxima, one of the first things he will compare in 
precisely that (i think symbolic integration is the one of the most 
impressive features of a CAS for a newbie).
That first impression would be hard to overcome. That's why i think it would 
be good to do some effort in the symbollic integration.

Miguel Marco Buzunariz.
Departamento de matematicas.
Universidad de Zaragoza