RE: diagmatrix()

Dear Volker and all,

I support the change proposed by Volker. 

I would also like to humbly ask for a few other matrix functions if you are working on this issue:

 concatenation: (putting two matrices into one, e.g. A(2x2) B(2x2) and [A B] is 2x4.
 creation: It would also be great if matrix( a,b,c,.. ) could work with matrix columns as well as with rows. 
            - a kind of concatenation this too...

Just my wish list, until I learn lisp to do it myself.

Thanks everybody for the great program Maxima,

> Hi all,
> What I expected is the following.
> (%i4) diagmatrix(2,mat);
>                           [ 1   1   0   0  ]
>                           [                ]
>                           [ 1  - 1  0   0  ]
> (%o4)                     [                ]
>                           [ 0   0   1   1  ]
>                           [                ]
>                           [ 0   0   1  - 1 ]
> I can offer a patch, which acts like shown in (%o4), if the 
> second arg to $diagmatrix is a matrix.
> What do you think?


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