another summation question

On 4/20/06, az <zoav1 at> wrote:
> hi, Maximers!
> I have another summation question: how to compute symbolically
> sum(binomal(2*n+1,r)*p^r*(1-p)^(2*n+1-r),r,n+1,2*n+1)-
>  sum(binomal(2*n-1,r)*p^r*(1-p)^(2*n-1-r),r,n,2*n-)

> Can Zeilberger be applied?

The summation bounds are not naturally induced (that is you are not
summing from -inf to inf) so Zeilberger can not be applied directly.
You can still use it but you get a non-homogeneous recurrence which
you can't solve. So maxima can't simplify this to a closed form.
