Subject: stuff to do, was: user interfaces in general
From: Robert Dodier
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 18:46:38 -0600
Hi Ron,
> Agreed. Well, I'm willing to help, but as I have said before I am not
> really sure where to start helping. What (aside from the pretty
> exterior) are the most pressing needs?
Well, here are some general areas that can use more hands ...
(1) Updating and categorizing bug reports
(2) Share directory cleanup: write unit tests and documentation
(3) Generate ideas for the branch of math / science / engineering
that you're familiar with.
As a general observation, "What do you guys think about X ?"
doesn't usually progress very fast or very far.
"I want to do X and here's my plan to do it" gets more attention,
and "I've done X and here it is" gets even more. Of course you take
a risk that nobody will want what you've done, but all the same
there is a greater chance of it actually getting committed to cvs.
Probably as a general strategy it is a good idea to try all three
kinds of messages. Just my $0.02.
Thanks for your interest in Maxima,
Robert Dodier