Hi again!
I found the problem with gnuplot and my code
by downgrading my gnuplot 4.0.0 to 3.7.2.
My colleague was using gnuplot 3.7.3 which
does not have
"unset key"
"unset xtris"
"unset ytris"
So, if I want my code to work on 3.7.x versions
of gnuplot, I must avoit "unset ...".
Nevetheless something equivalent must have been
possible also in gnuplot 3.7.x.
Does any of you by chance know how to unset the legend and
x/y coordinates in gnuplot 3.7.x?
On Sun, 23 Apr 2006, Robert Dodier wrote:
> Hello Fabrizio,
> > She has installed gnuplot (maybe from the Mandrake CD)
> > but plot2d is not working
> > the way it should: she says she can't plot
> > the topology of curves with my library (SARAG),
> > which uses "plot2d" (with the new features available since 5.9.2).
> >
> > Which version of gnuplot does she have
> > to install in order to use Maxima 5.9.2 and 5.9.3 version
> > of the plot2d command ? (plot2d in 5.9.1 had fewer commands)
> To the best of my knowledge, the gnuplot features used by plot2d
> haven't changed over the last few releases, so I suspect
> the gnuplot version matters very much.
> It's hard to tell what might be wrong here.
> Does plot2d (x^2, [x, -1, 1]); make a picture successfully?
> Does gnuplot work from the command line (not through Maxima) ?
> It looks like the SARAG package uses gnuplot-specific
> features. After set_plot_option ([plot_format, openmath]);
> drawTopology fails with an error message.
> Sorry I can't be more helpful,
> Robert Dodier