common lisp typesetting into PDF

--- Richard Fateman <fateman at> wrote:

> There are files supporting  the generation of PDF and
> the typesetting of stuff that looks like math.
> What this MIGHT mean is that we can use lisp programs
> to compute the actual size of math expressions in TeX-like
> notation, and use this feedback to do line=breaking.
> My own (limited) experience with breqn was that it
> didn't work very well.

I have had my eye on cl-typesetting for quite a while.  It looks very
interesting, but the major problem currently seems to be a complete
lack of documentation.  Also, I think only demo-level mathematics
abilities are currently implemented, and someone will have to add a
fair bit of code to handle the full TeX mathematics typesetting
abilities.  Maybe this has changed since the last time I looked though.

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