My first reaction to seeing this "ineq" code is that it is broken and
misguided; my second reaction, after seeing that it was written
by Leo Harten over 25 years ago was -- maybe it is useful somehow.
My third reaction is that it is probably misguided.
For example, a>b is nominally an expression that can be
evaluated as true, false, unknown, or perhaps "not comparable"
(complex, or floating NaNs, or ??) or "just leave me unevaluated".
[We ignore semantics of
languages like C where a>b is also an integer 0 or 1 (converted from
In the expression below,
appears to be multiplying one of these concepts by "c".
The simplifier for multiplication is being hacked to make sense of
true*c or false*c ??
What is intended by all this is a reduction of inequalities, but it is
done by a hacking of multiplication (incidentally, slowing down the
simplification of products of other things, and very probably not working in
where there are products of more than two items.)
I view the rule (a<b)*c --> a*c<b*c if c>0 as an attempt
to implement a rule like this:
(a > b/c) has the same truth value as (a*c>b) if c>0.
(a>b*c) --> (a/c > b) if c>0
If you want to make maxima do something useful, it seems to me that
what you need a version of "solve" for inequalities. That is, given
some expression f(x)>g(x), and a distinguished variable, like x,
do inequality_solve(f(x)>g(x),x)
to get an answer like this.
x> h(--not-involving-x).
in fact, one could just use the existing solve command since it should
be clear from the first argument that an inequality is the target.
And furthermore, one could have multivariate linear or even non-linear
inequality solving. (Some of the time, anyway).
Some of this could be done using rules (I would suggest defrule), and
I think that a critical part of each rule should be to distinguish parts
depend on the variable or variables you are solving for, from the rest.
A working inequality program, even for a subset of cases might be
good for a "summer of code". I am sure that the other M's have such
And it would be much more useful task for than trying
to figure out how to generalize and implement 2*2^k --> 2^(k+1). :)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Dodier" <robert.dodier at>
To: "Mario Rodriguez" <biomates at>
Cc: <Maxima at>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 9:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Maxima] About inequalities
> Hi Mario,
>> /*********** begin maxima session ************/
>> (%i1) negp(u):=if asksign(u)='neg then true$
>> (%i2) posp(u):=if asksign(u)='pos then true$
>> (%i3) matchdeclare([a,b],true,c,negp,d,posp)$
>> (%i4) tellsimpafter((a<b)*c,a*c>b*c)$
>> (%i5) tellsimpafter((a<b)*d,a*d<b*d)$
>> Is d positive, negative, or zero?
>> /*********** end maxima session ************/
> Looks like rules are being applied to later tellsimpafter
> arguments. tellsimpafter quotes its arguments but it does
> simplify them, it appears. (tellsimpafter is a defmspec;
> defmspec arguments are neither evaluated nor simplified
> by default.)
> I find that simp : false; load (ineq); simp : true;
> loads the rules without triggering asksign.
> Probably ineq.mac should just have simp : false;
> before the rules and simp : true; afterwards.
> Hope this helps,
> Robert Dodier
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