Subject: Maxima for numerical methods (v. Scilab)?
From: Nicolas Pettiaux
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 18:36:22 +0200
2006/4/29, Alasdair McAndrew <amca01 at>:
> It seems I may be teaching an elementary subject in numerical computation
> next semester. The usual sorts of things: error analysis, solution of
> equations, interpolation, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, quadrature,
> differential equations. I want to base the subject around free software, so
> the students can use it at home. This pretty much restricts me to Scilab
> (or Octave, but I prefer Scilab) and Maxima. Does anybody know of any
> compelling reasons why I should (or shouldn't) choose Maxima over Scilab?
> And is there any online documentation about numerical methods with Maxima?
would you be ready to put your notes publically on the web ? if
possible under a free licence ?
Maybe the community could help you develop them into a full blown book
with accompanying exercices ... that wouldbe done in Maxima (see
Robert's answer) that could thereafter be printed and serve as a
reference next to similar books that use Maple or Mathematica.
Nicolas Pettiaux - email: nicolas.pettiaux at