big float arithmetic & mgrp

>>>>> "Barton" == Barton Willis <willisb at> writes:

    Barton> I guess all this sorting is to arrange the terms into the canonical order. 

I wish the canonical order were to print the real part followed by the
imaginary part like 1+2*%i instead of 2*%i+1.  I find that
annoying. :-)

    Barton>  Maybe
    Barton> products and quotients of complex floats (doubles and big floats) should 
    Barton> automatically 
    Barton> expand:

    Barton> (3.4 + 5.6*%i) * (6.5 + %i*3.4) --> 47.9599...*%i + 3.0599..

That seems ok to me.  A bit of work to implement, though.
