The ordering of expressions is a real pain.
If you can prove that your change is (a) unambiguous and (b) better and (c)
at least as fast,
Orderless affects individual names, I think. It probably does this by
secretly renaming,
so you can make a<<b or a>>b .
There is a bug (see bug list) in ordering. something involving f(x)*g(x+1)*
f(x+1)... it tries to order on
the function names and /or on the argument complexity
I would put rewriting GREAT and subroutines on a very low priority. Its
So hard that there are bugs/ glitches remaining, even in the commercial
macsyma, after almost 40 years.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Dodier" <robert.dodier at>
To: "Raymond Toy" <raymond.toy at>
Cc: <maxima at>
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Maxima] big float arithmetic & mgrp
> On 5/2/06, Raymond Toy <raymond.toy at> wrote:
>> I wish the canonical order were to print the real part followed by the
>> imaginary part like 1+2*%i instead of 2*%i+1. I find that
>> annoying. :-)
> Yeah, me too. I usually write 1 + pi and 1 + e instead of pi + 1 and e
> + 1, also.
> How about if we change the ordergreatp (eventually channeled
> through GREAT, I think) ordering so that literal numbers are
> greater than declared constants? (At present it is the other way
> around.)
> ? orderless says something about the default ordering.
> Robert
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