Re: Interval Arithmetic project

>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Fateman <fateman at> writes:

    Richard> Directed rounding is not needed for rationals.  It is
    Richard> needed for floats, otherwise you lose the inclusion
    Richard> property for interval arithmetic, and you can no longer
    Richard> make the strong claims about the interval result
    Richard> containing the actual answer.

Yeah, I was lazy.  Plus, I wasn't sure how to do directed rounding
when you mix a single-float with a double-float.  

    >> What is the result?  [-eps, eps], where eps is a floating-point
    >> precision of some sort?

    Richard> No,  interval(-1, 1)   - interval(-1,1)  means { x-y |   x is in
    Richard> [-1,1], and y is in [-1,1]}
    Richard> The smallest value in this set is when x=-1, y=1:  -1 - 1 = -2.
    Richard> The largest value is when x=1, y=-1:  1 - (-1)  or 2.  So

    Richard> interval(-1,1) - interval(-1,1)  -->  interval(-2,2).

    Richard> One could try to make a distinction between two intervals that
    Richard> coincidentally
    Richard> have the same endpoints, or two pointers to the same interval. In the latter
    Richard> case, one could argue that x and y are not independently chosen from [-1,1]
    Richard> but are the same.  then the set is  {x-x | ....}  and is {0}.

Yes, that's how I was interpreting x-x, not x - y where x and y happen
to be the same interval and independent.

    Richard>  I suppose one could view every variable as an interval, and the
    Richard> ones we have been using so far are the intervals with zero width, and
    Richard> try to make sense of it all.  It works if all the arithmetic is done on
    Richard> explicit intervals.  If we introduce symbols and do arithmetic like
    Richard> x-y ,  or x-x,  or x/x,  or   is (x=x)   then there is trouble.

    Richard> Oh, x-x --> 0   is also false for IEEE float NaN,   Inf, too.

Yep.  CMUCL more or less ignores the issue with NaN and Inf in these
