error in make


I get an error, when I try to build a newly checked out version of
It bails out with the following message:

;      - Loading binary file "binary-clisp/rat3d.fas" 
;; Datei binary-clisp/rat3d.fas wird geladen...
;; Datei binary-clisp/rat3d.fas ist geladen.
;      - Loading binary file "binary-clisp/rat3c.fas" 
;; Datei binary-clisp/rat3c.fas wird geladen...
*** - FUNCALL: Die Funktion $JACOBI ist nicht definiert.

To fix that I had to change maxima.system.

diff -c maxima.system.old maxima.system
*** maxima.system.old   Sun Mar 19 02:55:21 2006
--- maxima.system       Fri Mar 24 18:15:07 2006
*** 401,407 ****
                                       (:file "ufact") 
                                       (:file "result")))
               (:module ifactor :source-pathname ""
!                       :components ((:file "ifactor")))
               (:module rational-functions :source-pathname ""
                        :components ((:file "rat3a") 
                                     (:file "rat3b") 
--- 401,407 ----
                                       (:file "ufact") 
                                       (:file "result")))
               (:module ifactor :source-pathname ""
!                       :components ((:file "ifactor") (:file "numth")))
               (:module rational-functions :source-pathname ""
                        :components ((:file "rat3a") 
                                     (:file "rat3b") 
*** 511,517 ****
                                     (:file "mdot") 
                                     (:file "irinte") 
                                     (:file "series") 
-                                    (:file "numth") 
                                     (:file "laplac") 
                                     (:file "pade") 
                                     (:file "homog") 
--- 511,516 ----

That fixed it and the compile ran through. The testsuite also gave no

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