Finding the maximum in a list


Thanks to Barton and everyone else that replied on and off list.

On Wed, 2006-05-10 at 16:02 -0500, Barton Willis wrote:
> -----Neilen Marais wrote: -----
> >It seems the max() routine doesn't work on lists,
> >but expects you to pass the items in individually.  Is
> >
> >lreduce(max, [5,3,7,2]);
> >
> >the best way to achieve this?
> Your method is fine. If you have 5.9.3, you can instead
> use lmax and lmin:

lmax/lmin look nice. I hope to upgrade to 5.9.3 soon.

Some people also suggested the use of apply vs. lreduce. What is the
real difference between the two? I'm a little confused.
