Subject: Maxima's rat package and "quotient is not exact"
From: Raymond Toy
Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 17:57:00 -0400
>>>>> "Raymond" == Raymond Toy <raymond.toy at> writes:
Raymond> In the meantime, does anyone know the name of the function that
Raymond> converts this internal polynomial representation into standard maxima
Raymond> form so I can print it out in a more friendly way when debugging?
Raymond> That would help a lot.
Thanks to Robert Dodier, Andrej Vodopivec, and Richard Fateman for the
hints. disrep does basically what I want.
After looking a little more, I don't think it's prem that is the
problem. It's happening higher, probably in the Risch integrator.
If I disrep the polynomials, I get:
Note the sqrt(b-a^2). I think prem is computing the right thing, but
as it computes it, assuming the coefficients are not functions of a,
the remainder suddenly is a function of a. And when subresgcd checks
(I think) that everything is ok, the quotient isn't exact, because we
didn't really have a polynomial in a to begin with.
Bummer. This makes the problem quite a bit harder.