solving equations involving matrices

You  are correct, you did something "wrong".
You did not supply the right form for the argument expected by solve.
If you wish to set things up as a matrix, instead of a list of equations,
you could always convert by doing something like this:

s:  m1.m2-m3;   /* your example */
listofeqs:  [s[1],s[2]];
listofvars: [x,y];

solve(listofeqs, listofvars);

if you don't know in advance the size of the matrices, you can
find them out and use listofeqs: makelist(s[i],i,1,length(s));

If you want to add this feature to solve,
you are welcome to look at the code and figure out how.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Via Purifico" <union at>
To: <maxima at>
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 6:06 PM
Subject: solving equations involving matrices

> Hello, I am somewhat new to Maxima. I am trying to solve this simple 
> system of linear equations:
> 3x + 8y = 5
> 4x + 11y = 7
> I put them into a matrix and tried to solve:
> (%i19) matrix([3,8],[4,11]) . matrix([x],[y]) = matrix([5],[7]);
>                             [ 8 y + 3 x  ]   [ 5 ]
> (%o19)                      [            ] = [   ]
>                             [ 11 y + 4 x ]   [ 7 ]
> (%i20) solve(%,[x,y]);
> (%o20)                                []
> This somewhat disappointed me, because when I did:
> (%i18) solve([3*x + 8*y = 5, 4*x + 11*y = 7],[x,y]);
> (%o18)                        [[x = - 1, y = 1]]
> it seemed to work fine. Am I doing something wrong? Why doesn't Maxima 
> have an answer for the equation involving matrices?
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