Earlier this month I informed the mailing list that I was working on a new
web frontend to Maxima. I set up my new server yesterday, and it's now up
and running.
You can try it out at http://math.msarnoff.org. Right now, it only
supports one command per session ("notebook"-style interaction is not
functional yet). It makes heavy use of JavaScript and "AJAX," and so far
has only been tested in Mozilla and Safari.
Due to the lack of "safety" features in Maxima, all unsafe functions are
filtered out before the input is sent to Maxima, and the server will
terminate the Maxima process after 5 seconds if it does not return.
I can't vouch for its speed (the server is nearly seven years old)
or its practicality, but I thought I'd share. I'll be working on it
over the summer, so if you're going to link to it on the Maxima website,
make sure to state that it's "under development."
Matt Sarnoff