Shocked and Awed?

This is the "new internet".  Teacher says, sure, you can use the computer,
you can use the internet for your research for your take-home exam.

Student interprets this as "It's OK to use the internet to find an expert
to do the exam for me."

This happens regularly on comp.lang.lisp.  Student says, with various levels
of subterfuge, how to solve what most every non-novice Lisp programmer 
as a homework problem.  Various "experts" with not much else
on their plate at the moment, volunteer all kinds of extraneous and detailed
responses such that the original poster  (OP) is either stunned to think 
the problem is really very hard, or maybe OP learns all this advanced stuff
by which time the original problem is identified as trivial, or drops the
class, or just goes away.

At this point, anyone working further on this
should ask  Jihene if it is OK to just send the answer directly
to her instructor. :)


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stavros Macrakis" <macrakis at>

I was rather shocked by her answer:

I will try this but please if you have time please try this code because I
must have a result before manday. I know that I disturbe but I this problem
is an exame for me.

I am always happy to help people, but...!!!
