is that from xmaxima or console. It works from xmaxima for me but I
get a similar error if I try from console. (It takes a little work but
it is possible to make it work from console too).
On 5/29/06, van Nek <van.nek at arcor.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> I tried a plotdf command from the examples in the help files.
> I used the latest version of plotdf.lisp from cvs
> I use Windows Maxima 5.9.3
> (%i1) load("D:/plotdf.lisp");
> (%o1) D:/plotdf.lisp
> (%i2) plotdf(exp(-x)+y,[trajectory_at,2,-0.1]);
> Der Befehl
> "C:\Programme\Maxima-5.9.3/libexec/maxima/5.9.3/omplotdata"
> ist entwe
> der falsch geschrieben oder
> konnte nicht gefunden werden.
> (%o2) 0
> the german error message tells that Windows expected omplotdata to be a
> binary/command and could not find it.
> Any ideas?
> Volker