question batch and plot

>>>>> "christian" == chri  <chri01 at> writes:

    christian> I am a beginner with maxima and I would like to do some
    christian> longer engineering calculations. Therefore it would be
    christian> nice to have a batch file with input command, that
    christian> maxima reads in sequentially and returns the value.

You can put your commands/functions/script in foo.mac and
load("foo.mac") to run it.  Not sure what you mean about "returns the

    christian> A very simple thing would be:
    christian> Maxima alwas produces an error when reading this. Even when I try to make outputs with the plot function...

    christian> test():=
    christian> block([x,y],
    christian> eq1:x^2+3*x+1,
    christian> solve(eq1,x),
    christian> plot2d(eq1,[x,0,3]),

Probably remove the trailing comma.  Maxima is not very forgiving here.  I
wish it were, because I make this mistake all the time.

    christian> A second thing is the plot command. How can I label the x and y axis?
    christian> For example:
    christian> plot2d([sigmax, tau1],[z,0,3*a],[gnuplot_curve_titles,["title'sigma_x'",
    christian> "title'tau1'"]]);

    christian> Here would the axis label be nice.

describe(plot2d) will help you find the answer, which is to look at
describe(plot_options), which tells you how to use gnuplot_preamble to
do what you want.

In this case, something like

plot2d([sigmax,tau1],[z,0,3*a],[gnuplot_preamble,"set xlabel 'x-axis';
set ylabel 'y-axis'"]);

might do what you want.
