Lush with Maxima

Hi --

Kind of off-topic, but since we mentioned Lush...

AFAIK, the main problem with Lush is dynamical scoping, instead of
lexical scoping. This because of "historical reasons", whatever that
means, as they explain somewhere on their page.

I wish somebody would take the GPLed implementation of ISLISP (ISLISP
is an ISO standard, a cross between Common Lisp and Scheme), and just
slap it on Lush. ISLISP is a reasonable Lisp for such situations,
bothe because of size, and becuase of power (it beats the hell out of
Python, IMHO, in terms of language, not batteries), but few know about
it. This is unfortunate.

You would get, for free (provided one can live with the GPL): an
object system, lexical scoping and macros. With the advantage that
it's already been done. The code is there, no need to reinvent the

Lush is great, but we can't really live without lexical scoping this
day and age, can we?

You can find the TISL implementation of ISLISP on this thing I call my
home page:

you need a password, and you access a page in Portuguese. I apologize
for it, but that's my ISP...Just put "tisl" as the password.

You can also find links for documentation regarding the ISO spec.
