On Wed, 2006-05-31 at 20:22 +0300, Vadim V. Zhytnikov wrote:
> > omplotdata.exe
> I'll try. But I'm not sure that it will work with
> omplotdata.exe out of the box without some small
> modification to plot.lisp
You are more familiar than me with the subject, but just in case, I
will tell you the issues that I see here:
1- Maxima must be able to create the file maxout.openmath somewhere
in windows. I guess plot2d has already faced that difficulty with
the creation of maxout.gnuplot
(plotdf does not create any files, so these issue does not apply to it)
2- The file omplotdata.exe that you create should accept arguments
as a TCL script does in Linux:
path\omplotdata -option1 value1 -option2 value2 ... [file]
Using the maxout.openmath file created by
a command such as:
{Maxima_dir}\libexec\maxima\5.9.3\omplotdata maxout.openmath
should show the plot.