problem with plotdf

Andrej Vodopivec writes:
> from how I understand plotting using openmath works is that xmaxima
> makes these plots by itself without calling the omplotdata script.
> Most of omplotdata script is probably included in the xmaxima script.
> I guess this behaviour is controlled by in_netmath and show_openplot
> variables. If you set in_netmath to false and show_openplot to true
> plotting does not work in xmaxima.


> Other interfaces (wxmaxima, wintexmacs, commandline) would use the
> omplotdata script to plot using openmath. This does not work because:
> 1) tcl/tk is usually not installed by default on windows
> 2) the script is called omplotdata instead of omplotdata.tcl - the
> #!/bin/sh
> # comment \
> exec wish84 "$0" "$@"
> trick does not work on windows

Problems 1 and 2 are solved on Windows by converting
omplotdata (or omplotdata.tcl it doesn't matter) to
omplotdata.exe which is essentially tcl/tk interpreter
plus omplotdata script in one flagon.

> 3) omplotdata expects unix cat program to be installed - this is near
> the end of omplotdata
> if { [lindex $argv 0] == "plotdf" } {
>    lappend omcommand "plotdf"
> } else {
>    lappend omcommand [exec cat [lindex $argv 0]]
> }

It seems that this is the only point which has to be modified on
Windows.  My original guess about troubles with plot.lisp is wrong.

> As for using plotdf from console (or wxmaxima) - this will not work
> out of the box even if we have openplot working. I can provide a patch
> for plotdf.lisp which fixes this if anyone is interested.

Please, post it.

      Vadim V. Zhytnikov

       <vvzhy at>
      <vvzhy at>