Subject: gnuplot plots lines too thick for sequence
From: Raymond Toy
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2006 08:36:53 -0400
>>>>> "Henry" == Henry Lenzi <henry.lenzi at> writes:
Henry> don't you think gnuplot plots lines that are way too thick ? I mean,
Henry> this is not necessarily maxima-related (but an upstream issue)...
Henry> (%i124) xx:makelist(n,n,1,4000)$
Henry> (%i125) yy:makelist(((-1)^(n+1))/n^2,n,1,4000)$
Henry> (%i126) yf:ev(yy,numer)$
Henry> (%i127) plot2d([discrete,xx,yf],[gnuplot_curve_styles,["with points"]])$
If I try this example with just 40 points instead of 4000, the plot
has no lines, but a set of plus signs at the expected points. With
4000 points, all you see is 4000 plus signs crammed into a small
space. I don't see how you would expect anything else. Try the same
thing, but remove the gnuplot_curve_styles and you'll get a thin line.