Making maxima not expand powers

Am 3 Jun 2006 um 16:36 hat Henry Lenzi geschrieben:

> Hi --
>  Here's my problem: I want to make a list made of huge numbers. Then,
> I want to sort it. I don't want maxima to expand powers (I want it too
> keep exponential notation, for readability.) Is ther a way?

The answer depends on what you want to do with your list after sorting. Just two 

(%i1) [[10^5,"10^5"],[2^8,"2^8"],[2^32,"2^32"]]$
(%i2) sort(%)$
(%i3) map(second,%);
(%o3) 			       [2^8, 10^5, 2^32]

In this case the answer is a list of strings. An evaluation is now possible with mapping 
function 'parse_string' from /share/contrib/eval_string.lisp onto every element,  but this 
would expand the powers.

Another posssibility is quoting the exponentiation operator. As far as I know, quoting  
operators is not available at the moment. I would like to see this. But here is a workaround. 
I define a quoted exponentiation.

(%i4) :lisp (defun $exptq (x y) `((mexpt simp) ,x ,y))
(%i4) [[10^5,exptq(10,5)],[2^8,exptq(2,8)],[2^32,exptq(2,32)]]$
(%i5) sort(%)$
(%i6) map(second,%);
				  8    5   32
(%o6) 			        [2 , 10 , 2  ]

Here the answer is a list of unevaluated powers.
You can simply evaluate them with a double single quote (two typed single quotes) ...
(%i7) ''%;
(%o7) 			   [256, 100000, 4294967296]

... or with ev(%);
