how to allocate more memory?

Dan Hatton writes:
> Running Maxima under clisp ("maxima -l clisp" on the command line)
> makes available about 500MB (this still wasn't enough for me, and
> failed with a segfault, instead of the explanatory error message.)
> Running Maxima under sbcl (you get the idea about the command line)
> makes available about the same amount, or maybe a little more, of
> memory as clisp (again, not enough for me, but sbcl gave an
> explanatory error message.)
> Recompiling gcl with a higher value of the enable-maxpage option, then
> recompiling Maxima to match (I'm not sure if the last bit's necessary)
> can make available over 800MB (I don't know if this is enough for me
> yet, the calculation's still running.)

On 32-bit machines the maximum amount of RAM gcl, sbcl and clisp
can use is about ~600-~900Mb (less than 1Gb in any case), cmucl can
use a bit more than 1Gb (1.5Gb?).

If you need _really_ _big_ memory then you have to use
64-bit machine with more than 4Gb or RAM.

      Vadim V. Zhytnikov

       <vvzhy at>
      <vvzhy at>