Valery Pipin writes:
> Raymond Toy wrote:
>>>>>>> "Valery" == Valery Pipin <pip at> writes:
>> Valery> On Monday 05 June 2006 23:15, Fabrizio Caruso wrote:
>> >> How can I allocate more memory in Maxima?
>> Valery> Is it under gcl?
>> Valery> If you have a choice then you may consider to try it under sbcl
>> (or cmucl) Valery> They are faster and more intelligent about memory.
>> The last benchmarks I saw indicated that gcl was at least as fast as
>> sbcl/cmucl; perhaps even faster.
> Then it means that these benchmarks are not representative or (gcl is not
> for my PC configuration).
> On my PC Athlon XP1800+ (256 RAM) I observe the following facts.
> 1) Running the heavy tasks under maxima-gcl freezes PC. It's just not
> possible to do something else.
> 2) I have a number of cases when maxima-gcl was not able to finish the job
> because it eat the wjole memory and X-server was restarted.
The symptoms you describe is not about speed it is about RAM.
I'm almost 100% sure that gcl runs out of physical memory
on you tasks. The point is that gcl 2.6 is _indeed_ less
memory-efficient than sbcl, cmucl and clisp.
gcl 2.6 has 3-word cons cells while other lisps have
2-word cons cells. Not yet released gcl 2.7
eliminates this this gcl's drawback.
Vadim V. Zhytnikov
<vvzhy at>
<vvzhy at>