Mike Thomas writes:
> Hi there.
>> if { [lindex $argv 0] == "plotdf" } {
>> lappend omcommand "plotdf"
>> } else {
>> lappend omcommand [exec cat [lindex $argv 0]] }
> A platform independent way of slurping a file in TCL is as follows:
> # Slurp up the data file
> set fp [open "somefile" r]
> set data [read $fp]
> close $fp
Thank you! It works! I'll upload omplotdata
for Windows to SF soon and replace all occurrences
[exec cat ...]
in xmaxima/omplotdata code by this commands.
Vadim V. Zhytnikov
<vvzhy at mail.ru>
<vvzhy at netorn.ru>