Am 8 Jun 2006 um 23:17 hat Robert Dodier geschrieben:
> If anyone has a general plan for completely reworking the
> handling of plotting options, I would be interested to hear
> about it.
> Robert
Hi Robert,
(on Windows) there could be only two different sorts of gnuplot terminals (I do not regard
'dumb' as a serious terminal).
1. [gnuplot_term,windows] which is the default
2. [gnuplot_term,file] which includes ps, png, latex and all others
The first one needs the '-' option, the second mustn't have it. If you leave out the call to
ghostview, which is not installed on Windows by default, I don't see a difference between ps
and other file formats.
By choosing [gnuplot_term,file] everything else could be controlled via a gnuplot_preamble.
No need for a separate gnuplot_out_file option. In case of ps it would be not necessary to
use the option plot_format. All gnuplot formats could be controlled by just setting
gnuplot_term and gnuplot_preamble.
This would make the plot_options much clearer and it would make the whole thing to be
more consistent with gnuplot itself. Choose a terminal, set all preambles you want and plot.
There is a plot option 'run_viewer', which is true by default. It should be set to false for
Windows and it should be documented, what view command (ghostview resp. gsview32) will
be called in case of true. Without looking into plot.lisp I wouldn't have known, that I need
ghostview for this. By the way, is ghostview freeware on Linux? I paid about 20 Dollars for a
Windows license.
On Windows ghostview ist called by 'gsview32.exe'. From cmd.exe I can call it with just
gsview32 D:/sin.eps
but from Maxima the full path is necessary (despite I have registered it in path)
system("C:/Programme/gs/Ghostgum/gsview/gsview32 D:/sin.eps");
plot2d (sin(x), [x, 0, 2*%pi], [gnuplot_term, ps], [gnuplot_out_file, "D:/sin.eps"]);
works properly, if I redefine in plot.lisp line 76
(defvar $viewps_command "C:/Programme/gs/Ghostgum/gsview/gsview32 ~a")
So there is a path problem. How could Maxima know where to find gsview32?