Windows installer structure


I'm seeking advice on better way to reorganize
Windows Maxima installer for next release.
Basically we have two extreme options:

A. Put all items in single large installer
and let the user select desired components
as options at installation time.

B. Split installer on several small
installers - main installer for core
system and several add-ons.

A is simpler from user's point of view but
result in bigger installer size.

Right now have the following more or less
independent components:

1. Maxima core with command line maxima	10 Mb
2. omplotdata				1.5 Mb
3. xmaxima 				2  Mb
4. wxMaxima				3  Mb
5. ES and PT language packs     	1  Mb each

I'm inclined to incorporate 1-4 in one installer
and package 5 as add-on packages.

Any comments are greatly appreciated.


      Vadim V. Zhytnikov

       <vvzhy at>
      <vvzhy at>