--- "Vadim V. Zhytnikov" <vvzhy at mail.ru> wrote:
> For forthcoming Maxima 5.9.4 I plan to provide
> traditional Inno Setup installers. If anyone volunteer
> to make any kind of .msi packagin as alternative
> this will be great.
I can't remember for sure who was the first to try InnoSetup - since it
might have been me
(http://www.math.utexas.edu/pipermail/maxima/2002/002677.html) I should
mention that I probably didn't to the research into finding the best of
breed tool. InnoSetup is in fact very good, based on subsequent
experiences, but I should point out the major alternative in the free
software world I was unaware of at the time - NSIS
I think the Axiom binary we have released uses the Nullsoft installer.
I don't know if NSIS can create msi files - I rather doubt it - but
perhaps Nullsoft would provide replacement features that would make msi
unnecessary? Just an idea - I haven't looked at it in detail (I
haven't had development access to a Windows machine in a long time.)
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