compile failure on sbcl

Hi Boris,

I guess you mean this:

$ cvs log ./archive/src/trgsmp.lisp
date: 2006/04/18 05:22:25;  author: robert_dodier;  state: Exp;
Move trgsmp.lisp out of src and into archive/src,
and arrange to autoload trigsimp from share/trigonometric/trgsmp.mac.
(trgsmp.lisp was a translation of trgsmp.mac circa 1985;
there was recently a change in the rule processing code which
made the translation obsolete, such that tests/rtest3.mac failed.)

 - src/, src/maxima.system: cut trgsmp.lisp from list of files
 - src/max_ext.lisp: arrange to autoload trigsimp from trgsmp.mac
 - src/trgsmp.lisp, archive/src/trgsmp.lisp: move trgsmp.lisp to archive

With these changes, make clean; make succeeds with clisp 2.34
and run_testsuite succeeds.

My guess is that src/ was not
automatically updated on your system. I don't know how
to cause it to be updated. Maybe if you just remove the
line mentioning trgsmp.lisp, it will be OK. Let us know
how it turns out.

Robert Dodier