xmaxima/windows interface slider

On Mon, 2006-06-26 at 13:45 -0500, Norvell Spearman wrote:
> The XMaxima and Windows interfaces have a slider in the bottom right
> of the window.  What does it do? I couldn't find anything in the docs,
> FAQs, or list archives about it.  Thanks.

In the maxima window of xmaxima, the status bar will only show an
initial message ("Started Maxima"), that is not long enough for the
scale on the right to be of any use (it is supposed to let you scroll
the text on the status bar).

In the browser window, the status bar will show you the byte transfer
rate of pages being loaded, and the URL of images in the page. The
transfer rate usually fits on the status bar, so the scale is not
needed. In figures, the scale could have been useful since some URL's
will not fit in the status bar. However, when you move the cursor
out of the image to try to scroll the text, the text dissapears!

You can see an example of what I mean in:
you should open that page using xmaxima's web browser.

P.S. Any other issues related to xmaxima will be very useful to me,
since I'm currently working on a new version of it