integration problem

Using the commercial macsyma, I changed variables using y=exp(x/s).
The commercial macsyma used residues to evaluate the resulting integral.
When I tried that using maxima 5.9.1, it seemed to convert the integral back
to an exponential one.  I think this was one of the integrals discussed 
in the
technical report the maxima definite integrator is based on.
Dan Stanger
Daniel Lakeland wrote:

>I'm trying to derive the variance (or stddev) of the logistic
>distribution, as follows.
>(%i1) cdf:1/(1+exp(-x/s));
>				       1
>(%o1) 				  -----------
>				    - x/s
>				  %e	  + 1
>(%i2) pdf:diff(cdf,x);
>				     - x/s
>				   %e
>(%o2) 			       ----------------
>				    - x/s     2
>			       s (%e	  + 1)
>(%i3) var:integrate(pdf*x^2,x,-inf,inf);
>Is  s  positive or negative?
>    1
>Is  -  an integer?
>    s
>    2
>Is  -  an integer?
>    s
>Integral is divergent
> -- an error.  Quitting.  To debug this try debugmode(true);
>Now wikipedia claims %pi^2 * s^2 / 3 is the correct variance. Which
>means that this integral should not be divergent unless I'm missing
>something. What is going on?
>When I say yes to the 1/s or 2/s queries, I get a result, but it's not
>the one that wikipedia claims.