romberg or numerical integration

How does Maxima best do numerical integration?
I tried romberg and I failed.
Attached is an example.

Maxima 5.9.3
Using Lisp GNU Common Lisp (GCL) GCL 2.6.7 (aka GCL)
Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.
Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.
This is a development version of Maxima. The function bug_report()
provides bug reporting information.
batching #pC:/dfw5/MATH/testrf.mac
(%i2) 		       load(c:\dfw5\math\elliptbf2.mac)
(%i3) mrf : bfloat([[1, 2, 0, 1.3110287771461], 
[%i, - %i, 0, 1.8540746773014], [0.5, 1, 0, 1.8540746773014], 
[%i - 1, %i, 0, 0.79612586584234 - %i 1.2138566698365], 
[2, 3, 4, 0.58408284167715], [%i, - %i, 2, 1.0441445654064], 
[%i - 1, %i, 1 - %i, 0.93912050218619 - %i 0.53296252018635]])
Warning:  Float to bigfloat conversion of 1.3110287771461
Warning:  Float to bigfloat conversion of 1.8540746773014001
Warning:  Float to bigfloat conversion of 0.5
Warning:  Float to bigfloat conversion of 1.8540746773014001
Warning:  Float to bigfloat conversion of 0.79612586584234002
Warning:  Float to bigfloat conversion of -1.2138566698365001
Warning:  Float to bigfloat conversion of 0.58408284167714997
Warning:  Float to bigfloat conversion of 1.0441445654064001
Warning:  Float to bigfloat conversion of 0.93912050218618992
Warning:  Float to bigfloat conversion of -0.53296252018635004
(%o3) [[1.0b0, 2.0b0, 0.0b0, 1.3110287771461b0], 
[%i, - 1.0b0 %i, 0.0b0, 1.8540746773014b0], 
[5.0b-1, 1.0b0, 0.0b0, 1.8540746773014b0], 
[%i - 1.0b0, %i, 0.0b0, 7.9612586584234b-1 - 1.2138566698365b0 %i], 
[2.0b0, 3.0b0, 4.0b0, 5.840828416771499b-1], 
[%i, - 1.0b0 %i, 2.0b0, 1.0441445654064b0], 
[%i - 1.0b0, %i, 1.0b0 - 1.0b0 %i, 9.391205021861899b-1
 - 5.3296252018635b-1 %i]]
(%i4) 				  fpprec : 20
(%o4) 				      20
(%i5) 			       bferrtol : 1.0b-6
(%o5) 				    1.0b-6
(%i6) 				   maxn : 16
(%o6) 				      16
(%i7) 		   bfrf((mrf ) , (mrf ) , (mrf ) ) - (mrf )
			    5 1	     5 2      5 3	 5 4
(%o7) 			   1.7679644369588548569b-15
(%i8) rf(x, y, z) := romberg(u/SQRT((x - 2 u x + u  (1 + x))
				 2			  2
		   (y - 2 u y + u  (1 + y)) (z - 2 u z + u  (1 + z))), u, 0,
(%o8) rf(x, y, z) := romberg(u/SQRT((x - 2 u x + u  (1 + x))
				 2			  2
		   (y - 2 u y + u  (1 + y)) (z - 2 u z + u  (1 + z))), u, 0,
(%i9) 	        bfloat(rf((mrf ) , (mrf ) , (mrf ) ) - (mrf ) )
			      5 1      5 2      5 3	   5 4
Warning:  Float to bigfloat conversion of 1.0
Warning:  Float to bigfloat conversion of 2.0
Warning:  Float to bigfloat conversion of 1.0
Warning:  Float to bigfloat conversion of 2.0
Warning:  Float to bigfloat conversion of 1.0
Warning:  Float to bigfloat conversion of 2.0
Maxima encountered a Lisp error:

 Error in MACSYMA-TOP-LEVEL [or a callee]: ((MTIMES SIMP) 1.0
                                            ((MEXPT SIMP)
                                             ((|$sqrt| SIMP
                                                SRC $RF 9))
                                              ((BIGFLOAT SIMP 69)
                                               295147905179352825856 1))
                                             -1)) is not of type (OR

Automatically continuing.
To reenable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.

Regards, Jim FitzSimons

Attached file: elliptbf2.mac
Attached file: testrf.mac